Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ripe For The Picking

At Mass this morning, Father talked about a job he had when he was right out of college.  He was a fruit picker; specifically citrus fruit.  He learned that when grapefruit is ripe and ready to be picked, the picker has just to grasp the fruit and give a slight tug and the fruit will come off with ease.  He told us that if any force is used it means the fruit is not ripe and the skin will tear and ruin the grapefruit.

He then, of course, fit it into the Gospel reading, which was about the Lord calling Levi.  Levi's response to the Lord's call was instantaneous. No force was needed, no prodding, no coaxing.  He just left his post and followed Christ.  He was "ripe" for the picking.

As we journey through life, there are different times that the Lord calls us to a new, closer relationship with Him.  Sometimes we're ready to move where he wants us to go. Other times we're not quite there.  We feel the tug but we don't let go of what He would like us to give up.  The Lord will not drag us, kicking and screaming, or even resisting just a little.  He wants our full consent before He moves our heart.

Is there an area where you're feeling the tug?  Are you holding on to something which you need to release?  This Lent is a perfect time to ripen so that the Lord may pick us easily and move us to a better place.

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