Monday, November 10, 2014

Never Say 'Only'

So often when I tell someone that my Dear One and I have nine children, I hear, "I only have one", (or two, three, or four) but, always prefaced with only.

Using only when discussing the number of children one has, makes it seem like a contest has been lost.  I wonder how the children of these parents feel when they hear this.

These parents don't have only any number of children. They have that many blessings from God and should speak this out loud so their children hear that instead of something that may make them feel inadequate since they aren't one of a much larger family.

We, as parents, don't have to compare ourselves to anyone else to see how we're doing as parents. We just have to make certain that we are doing as the Lord has directed us and make sure that gratitude is the overwhelming emotion.

We are not in control of how many children we have.  Sure we can be open to life, but God has the only say in how many blessing He will choose to send to us.  We should not try to limit God, nor should we be sad when He limits us.  He knows what we need, what we can handle, and what is best for us.

So, whether you have been blessed with few or many children, always remember that that is just what they are, blessings.

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