Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jesus In My Pocket

One of the loveliest things about being Catholic is getting to receive Jesus; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Mass.

However, there is a special way for the sick, elderly and homebound to receive our Precious Lord even though they are unable to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass.

Eucharistic Ministers, those individuals trained to distribute Communion at Mass, may also take Communion to the homebound.

By means of a pyx, the Eucharist can be properly transported to the people in need.

My parents are, lately, unable to go to Mass.  It is my honor to be able to bring Jesus to them each day.

I don't have a fancy pouch for my pyx so I have to slip it in my pocket.  It's lovely to receive our Lord in Communion and then to carry Him close to me for a few extra minutes until I get to my parents' home.

So grateful for the Church, its Sacraments and the ability to bring Jesus to those in need.

I love having Jesus in the Mass.  It's also kind of neat to have Him in my pocket!

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