Sunday, August 26, 2012

Love You Forever

Not long after my dear one and I were married we started something special.  We started saying, "thank you for loving me."

My dear one's response has never changed when I say these words to him.  He always tells me, "I'm never going to stop."

What a comforting reassurance especially in a world were people "fall out of love" all the time.

Unconditional love is not an easy gift to give.  It takes a lot of prayer, tongue biting, flexibility and courage.  How many live up to the challenge?

And yet we all have the assurance of unconditional love.  All we have to do is place ourselves in the care of Jesus.  When he stretched out his arms on that cross, 'I'm never going to stop loving you' was the promise He made to us.

He calls us to accept His love and His promise.

He not only gives us His unconditional love, He is our role model for giving our unconditional love to others.

Struggling in this area?

Turn to the Master.  He will guide you, ever so gently, to the beauty of giving this gift.

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