Wednesday, May 11, 2011

God Cares About the Little Things

In the days before online banking, as I was writing my return address on yet another envelope, I said a small prayer something to the effect of "Lord I wish I could afford some return address labels so paying the bills wouldn't take so long!" It was a very small prayer about a very trivial matter.

Guess what? God heard that prayer and continues to answer it to this day; for seemingly overnight, it became quite popular to include return address labels in mailings from organizations seeking donations. Within a few months I had more return address labels than I could possibly use. Even after we moved into our new home (13 years ago) God made sure I had labels.

To say that He cares about the little things is no little matter. How many times a day do we pray for a parking spot, an open lane to turn left into on a busy road, green lights when we're in a hurry. How about those prayers we whisper and then immediately forget about until we realize they have been answered.

Some people don't like to bother God about little things. I think He likes to answer the little prayers because He wants to please us and wants our faith in Him to grow. When He takes the time to answer our little prayers, He is showing us that He is never too busy for us. He is inviting us to trust Him in the big matters; that ones that won't be answered swiftly. He is challenging us to pray without ceasing and trust that little or big, our prayers are being heard and answered, sooner or later, in His time.

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