Sunday, March 6, 2011

Open the Gift

In the movie Splash, Tom Hanks' character gives a beautifully wrapped gift to mermaid, Darryl Hannah. She ooh's and ahh's over the wrapping paper and ribbons until Hanks tells her the gift is in the box. He has to tell her to unwrap it.

John 20: 19, 26 invites us into the following scenario: ". . . Even though the disciples had locked the doors of the place where they were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood before them. 'Peace be with you,' He said. A week later, the disciples were once more in the room. . . despite the locked doors, Jesus came and stood before them."

The disciples were given a gift. If you notice, however, the disciples didn't open the gift. They were still locked in the room the next time Jesus came to them. He gave them His peace once again. It took them until Pentecost to open the gift.

When the Holy Spirit rushed upon them, they finally had the courage to let the peace of Christ fill them. They became able to leave the locked room peaceful and content that the will of God was what was going to lead them to the greatest happiness.

At every Mass, the priest repeats these words of Christ to us: "I leave you peace, my peace I give you." We have been given the same gift. Do we have the courage to open it? Do we let the peace of Christ into our hearts and to trust that no matter what is going on in our lives, God already knows all about it? Allow His peace to flow over you. Trust that even in the storm He is guiding you to a peaceful place with Him.

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