Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring is on the Horizon

When I walked out the door to take Amanda to school at 6:44 a.m. I expected to be enveloped by darkness and I was. But, what a nice surprise I had waiting for me. I stepped onto the porch, and since our house faces East, I was greeted by the sunrise. It was just a very faint light in the sky, barely noticeable, but there none the less.

As I drove West to the high school, the moon, in its almost fullness, reflected the sun back in a bright glow of white. It was beautifully surrounded by cirrus clouds (homeschooling teaches me things!!)

In the cold and snow of winter, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that spring will come again. God gives us February thaw and brighter mornings to remind us not to lose hope.

In a few weeks we will begin daylight savings time again. The mornings will go back to being very dark for a time, while the evenings will begin to be light for longer. Lent will begin and with it the LENGTHening of days. The snow will give way to rain, the ground will thaw and the spring flowers will come forth. The trees will bud and leaves will unfold. The cold of winter will be pushed to the background of our memories.

March will soon be upon us and with it, probably more snow and cold. But we hold onto the fact that it is only 31 days long. Keep your eyes fixed on the heavens. Wait for the sunrise and praise God for spring.

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