Thursday, January 31, 2013

Friends in Christ

I have an amazing group of friends that I met when chat rooms were new.  Many of us "gathered" in the chat room named Moms of Four or More.

We'd chit chat about kids and family, what was for supper and who happened to be sick or in need of prayers.

One day Rhonda decided to make it a little easier for us to communicate with each other and she invited us to start an email group.

If I have the count correct, we started with 12 moms and added one at a later date.  We are now down to 8 full time emailers and one who pops in on occasion to let us know she's ok and that she's praying for us.

We are from Oregon, California, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Massachusetts.
We are moms with kids at home and moms with empty nests. We are grandmas and great-grandmas.  We are The Moms.

Most of us have met face to face.  I've been to Illinois, Pennsylvania and Oregon to Moms Reunions.

We've been the subject of a magazine article. :-)

Most of all, we're friends.  We help each other through the ups and downs of life. We rejoice over graduations, weddings, births and good surgical outcomes.

We lift each other in prayer and {{{{ hugs}}}} through deaths, physical pain, hard times with income and all the rest of what gets us down.

We are Mary, Barb, Sunnie, Kathy, Rhonda, Carolyn, Brenda, Linda and Sooz (coast to coast).

God brought us together as friends and sisters in Christ and I couldn't be more grateful.

Monday, January 14, 2013


I read this online the other day and it has been in my brain, almost constantly, since:  (Probably the point!)

"What would your today be like if you had only the things that you were grateful for yesterday?"

That great dinner your husband (or wife) cooked?  Maybe you were grateful for the dinner, but were you grateful you didn't have to cook it? Or grateful for the person who did?

That hot shower that warmed you up and helped you sleep better.

The warm bed and awesome pillow.

The smiling faces of your children, or grandchildren.

Your home.

Your computer.


What would be missing?

Now, let's look at it from a different perspective:

What would your day be like tomorrow if you had everything that you were grateful for today?

How many things can you do without tomorrow that make your life wonderful today?  Do you have a second to be grateful for everything as it comes along?

The smile of a stranger.

The mailman.


Your phone and the people who stay in contact with you, with it.



Your Church.

Your faith.

This could be the longest post in history, but you get the picture.

Just say "Thanks."