When you delve into the lives of the Saints you come across some great lovers of God, His Church and His people.
You'll meet, among others:
St. Francis of Assisi, who was called to give up a life of great privilege and wealth. Instead he wore a scratchy robe and sandals as he "rebuilt" the Church.
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St. Clare of Assisi was a great friend of St. Francis. She was an Italian of noble birth who also gave up her wealth to serve God after hearing St. Francis preach. Saints beget Saints, the saying goes.
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St. Frances Cabrini, also an Italian, left her native land to travel to the new United States. Here she founded schools, orphanages and hospitals.
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St. Catherine of Siena, yet another Italian, lived solely on the Eucharist. She poured out her love of Christ on the poor and sick. She even helped Pope Gregory to see that he needed to return to Rome.
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Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta gave up her comfortable job as a teacher and went to the streets of India to minister to the poorest of the poor.
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St. Thomas More gave his up his life rather than give up his Catholic faith when he refused to give his allegiance to King Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England. (One of his good friends was St. John Fisher!)
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It took St. Augustine of Hippo a long while to finally give up his sinful ways and follow the path that God planned for him. He, too, was influenced and taught by another great Saint, Abrose. He became a priest, bishop and one of the greatest Saints in the Church. He lived a life of poverty and preaching.
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While sainthood is a goal of mine, because sainthood implies reaching the heavenly goal, I feel like I will be a small S saint. God has called me to a very ordinary life. I am called to be a daughter, sister, aunt, wife, mother and soon, grandmother. I have not been called to travel to distant lands to preach the Gospel. I have not been given great wealth with which to feed the poor and build hospitals, orphanages or schools.
I am not a brilliant scholar or preacher that can take the Word of God and make it accessible to the masses.
I cannot spend my life on the streets caring for the poorest of the poor while I have a husband and children to care for.
At this point in my life, I cannot even go out on mission trips to bring Jesus to people who have never heard of Him before.
But, I do have a calling that God desires that I carry out. I bring Him to my own mission fields; my home, my ultrasound clinic, my blog. If I do this work of the Lord's well, I shall one day hear the best words anyone could hear:
"Well done good and faithful servant . . . come share your Master's joy." (Matt 25:23)
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