Megan's fight is over. Some will say she lost the battle. I say she won the war. She gained the ultimate victory: HEAVEN
Cancer did not beat Megan. Megan beat cancer. She showed it that it could not kill her spirit. It showed her and us what she was really made of: COURAGE, CONVICTION, ACTION, FAITH, HOPE, and most of all LOVE.
This is what her parents and sisters posted after her death:
Update from the Schroeder Fam:
"At 11:32 last night, God called our Megan home. Earlier that morning, she received the Eucharist, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and within that the Apostolic Pardon meaning she was in full communion with Christ and absolutely pure when she went to meet our Lord. Megan is finally without pain and we are left with only happy memories of our girl.
We will be spending our day enjoying happy memories of Megan. We love you all and ask you to continue to pray as we are all praying for you."
To all of you who followed her journey, I thank you, because I know that you were praying along with our family.
I want you all to know that the day before she died, Megan's dad knelt at her bedside and pray continual Rosaries for most of the day. I had the joy of praying with him for a bit. Each prayer of the hundreds he said was for your intentions.
I already know of two miracles that have occurred and have been attributed to Megan's prayers. One a medical miracle which stumped doctors and one a spiritual miracle.
Please do not cease to pray for the family. They continue to lift you up. Even more so, ask Megan to pray for you. She is in the presence of Christ. What more advantageous place could there be to offer your intentions?
I am keeping a journal of answered prayers and miracles. Ask big!! I am.
If you wish to share your miracle stories, please leave them in the comment section. I will add them to my journal.
I know Megan's last wishes: One was to let you know she was praying for you.
The second and more important one is that you do not let this outcome take away your faith. Yes we prayed for a miracle. We did not get the miracle we anticipated but we only need to ask our Lord to show us the miracle He performed in answer to our prayers. This outcome is the best kind of miracle because Heaven is our ultimate goal. Megan showed us the way--Jesus. She never let Him out of her heart or off her lips. Trust Him as she did and you will see her again in heaven's glory.
Sweet Megan, pray for us.
Megan's homecoming sky |