Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Sacramental 30 Days

On May 9th, Joseph was Confirmed.  He chose St. Francis of Assisi for his patron and his big sister, Liz, for his sponsor.

It's nice to know that they understand what's going on when your children receive a Sacrament.  Joey obviously did as his celebration cake read:  "Congratulations!  You've been drafted."

Later in the month (after she saw all the First Communicant girls in their finery), Claire knew it was time for her to join us at the Table of Plenty.  In order to do that, though, she had to make her First Confession.  She was well prepared, just nervous.  

I didn't get to see her face as she left the confessional as she had asked me to go in with her (I plugged my ears).  I've been told she came out glowing.  She had a spring in her step and she did the customary heel click after praying her penance prayer.  

June will start off on a happy note as Claire receives her First Communion.  She is so excited. We bought her cake, 

her shoes and her gift today (she wanted a special 1st Communion doll). 

So this happy mom is praising God for His Sacraments and for the children who are receiving them with joy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


When is the last time you treated yourself to some time in an Adoration Chapel?

I am scheduled for an hour a week from 2-3 p.m. on Tuesdays.  Sometimes I can get there.  Sometimes I can't.

Today, I could.  It was wonderful.

A very wise priest told me to take a notebook with me and start each fresh page with, "Dear Jesus" and then just write.  Being a writer, that had great appeal for me.  I took his advice and now have a journal of my Adoration time.

I love to look back and see what was up only a few short weeks ago, or maybe a month or two.  I like to see what problems have been resolved and how my moods were during my visits.  Not surprisingly, I'm always in a better mood when I leave no matter what "garbage" I bring in with me.

Today was  a grateful day.  I have a lot for which to be thankful.

About half way through my visit, a class from the grade school came for some time with the Lord.  They were so quiet and well behaved it was lovely to have them there.  They, too,  brought journals (a sign of a wise teacher).  Some brought Bibles.  They all were touched by grace.

Having a rough day?  Need some peace and quiet?  Rejoicing over answered prayers?

Go to the Chapel.  Jesus awaits you!